US healthcare delivery system.

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Complete your participation for this assignment by Wednesday, November 18, 2015.

Healthcare to US Citizens

Many organizations, departments, and individuals provide healthcare to the US citizens. The complex nature of the US healthcare delivery system has driven much legislation for change over many years. Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research about the healthcare organizations and their delivery of healthcare services in order to fully understand the magnitude of the US healthcare delivery system. Based on your readings and research, answer the following:

  • What are the main objectives of a healthcare delivery system?
  • Name some of the basic functional components of the US healthcare delivery system. What role does each play in the delivery of healthcare?
  • Who are the major players in the US health services system? What are the positive and negative effects of the often conflicting self-interests of these players?
  • Why is it that despite public and private health insurance programs, some US citizens are without any coverage?
  • What are the main roles of the government in the US health services system?
  • Why is it important for healthcare managers and policymakers to understand the intricacies of the healthcare delivery system?