The project will take some time, so start today! Read the questions carefully and answer them as written. Remember the rules about plagiarism and include your citations. You must use the APA style of writing for your sources and citations. APA information can be found at:
**Type your answers under each numbered question. Include the questions along with your answers in the work you submit for a grade. It should be clear which answers go with which questions.**
Question One: Which diversity problem would you like to study? Why?
PICK ONE of these topic areas and write one or two sentences explaining your interest in the area. (50 points possible, but only if you complete the whole project)
- Immigrant Oppression (Chapter 4)
- Racism (Chapter 5)
- Religious Oppression (Chapter 6)
- White Domination (Chapter 8)
- Sexism (Chapter 9)
- Heterosexism (Chapter 10)
- Classism (Chapter 11)
- Ableism (Chapter 12)
Question Two: Do you see this diversity problem in your own life? In your community?
Take a week or so to observe your own life, your relationships, your workplace and other environments around you. Answer these questions in 4-5 sentences. (100 points possible)
Question Three: What solutions currently exist in our virtual library for this problem?
Find ONE scholarly book chapter or journal article on your diversity problem.(use the Virtual Library for this) In 4-5 sentences, summarize how the author of the book or article suggests we solve this problem. Include the citation for your source here. I must be able to find your source in our virtual library for you to receive credit for this question. (100 points possible, citation must be included)
Question Four: What solutions can you find on the internet for this problem?
Find ONE substantial and reputable source on the internet that is dedicated to your topic. You MAY NOT use reference sites (like Wikipedia, ask-a-question, or encyclopedias) or advertisement sites. In 4-5 sentences, summarize current solutions to your chosen diversity problem. Include your citation for your source here. I must be able to find your source online. (100 points possible, citation must be included)
Question Five: What solutions exist in our American media for this problem?
Find ONE newspaper, magazine, TV or movie source that considers your diversity problem. DO NOT use internet sources for this question. In 4-5 sentences, summarize the solutions offered by your source. Cite your source as best you can, making it clear where the information originated. Be specific about your source! (100 points possible, citation must be included)
Question Six: What creative ideas would you suggest for solving this diversity problem?
Develop a plan or set of ideas for working toward diversity and inclusion as a way to solve this problem in American society. Explain yourself clearly in 4-5 sentences. (100 points possible)
Question Seven: How can you personally be a part of the diversity solution?
In 4-5 sentences, consider both concrete actions and internal reflections that could help you to become part of the solution. (100 points possible)
Question Eight: How do you feel about what you have learned about this diversity issue?
Offer 4-5 sentences of personal reflection on this topic and your study of it. (100 points possible)