Are human global resources getting scarce?

Study Level:Specialized
Page Count:12
Number of sources:8
Topic:Are human global resources getting scarce?
Order Number:9538
Details:My stance is a \’YES\’ on the above topic, so write it
accordingly. The research paper must be typed, double spaced and
include a standard bibliography (The McGraw hill, Handbook for writers
or The Basics). Minimum of 12 completed typed pages; this does not
include the title page or work cited page. Also, please number the
page; One inch margins. A minimum of 8 primary sources (only 2 may
come from a VALID internet site). Acceptable sources: Professional
research journals, scholarly books by researchers or qualified
writers. Unacceptable sources: Magazines, newspapers and any
publication that has advertisement for example NY times, etc. PLEASE
HAVE A COPY OF ALL THE SOURCES YOU USE. Make sure title of source and
author are written on the copies.