A Case Study Research Review is an assignment in which you read and analyze the work and research methods of a specific author(s).

After reading The Great Influenza, please complete and submit 3-5 pages in which you describe and evaluate Barry’s work. In addition to the contents of your review, please consider the following questions in your writing:

  • What research methodology did Barry use?
  • What particular challenges did he face as he conducted his research?

Be sure to include the following in your review:

  1. Brief summary of the book and its topics, including title and author(s). THE BOOK IS Barry, John. The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History. 2009.
  2. Main themes and/or thesis of the book.
  3. Evaluation of the thesis – how effectively has the author(s) communicated and supported their thesis?
  4. Critical Remarks – Your individual observations and evaluation of the book.

Please submit your assignment as an attachment with 12 point font, double-spaced and with one inch margins.