bibliographical and professional summary of a woman & another HW

Paper #2: Interview is due this Thursday.

Part 3 reading material is now on Moodle. Part 3 covers such topic as consideration of social norms, professional practices and legal systems, and their implications regarding the marginization of women in mathematics, science, engineering & related areas & professions such as computer science.

Paper #2: Interview

Write a 3 – 5 pages (Typed, double spaced MLA style) Identify, interview, and prepare a bibliographical and professional summary of a woman you know personally who is currently practicing a pertinent field of study. Within the context of your reading on women in the same or related field, assess your interviewee’s background and experiences in her professional field of study.


Example Questions:

    1. What STEM field are you in?
    2. How did you select this field?
    3. Was there a person involved in your decision to entry this field?
    4. How was your college experience majoring in a STEM field?
    5. Did you have any issues with the male to female ratio in your classroom?
    6. Did you feel your instructors treated you any differently than your male counter parts?
    7. How did you get to the position you currently hold?
    8. Do you currently enjoy working in a STEM field?
    9. Does your company have a female quota to meet?
    10. ETC …


Handout #2: Historical Women

Write a 3 – 5 pages (Typed, double spaced, MLA style) From the reading material in part two or/and internet research, select a historic women in history Using the reading material in part two & internet research select one of the women . In your essay, make sure to address the following questions:

What were Franklin’s most important contributions to DNA research? What challenges did Franklin face as a scientist? What did she have to sacrifice? How did informal networks and the work environment impact her career?