: Disadvantaged children often do not have health insurance and do not receive the preventive care (such as vaccines and well-baby check-ups) that can avoid long-term health problems.

Identify a health problem in the US Health Care sector from the list below.  Prepare a summary document using the required format. The table should be single spaced and total no more than 2.5 pages in 11 to 12 point font. Except in the case of titles, use complete sentences, i.e. write using narrative format. Include a cover page and a list of references in APA Format.  Select from the following health problems. Note only three (3) to four (4) students may select each topic area. The Instructor will establish a conference to sign up these topics. First-come. First-served:


Topic: Disadvantaged children often do not have health insurance and do not receive the preventive care (such as vaccines and well-baby check-ups) that can avoid long-term health problems.