Study Level:College
Page Count:3
Number of sources:4
Deadline:9 hours
Topic:• Edmund Burke, Speech on Conciliation with America, March 22, 1775
Order Number:3503
Details:• Explain the foundation and evolution of the United States as a nation.Read the document at the following website: • Edmund Burke, Speech on Conciliation with America, March 22, 1775: Read and evaluate Edmund Burke’s speech on reconciliation with America. Write a three-page (750-word) essay conveying your reactions. Remember to include historic events and the historical perspective from when this speech was made in 1775. Be sure to cite your sources in APA or Turabian/Chicago format. Submit your project as a Word document to the appropriate assignment dropbox by the end of this module. Evaluation criteria Read the History Writing Rubric to understand expectations for this assignment. Keep the following points in mind: • The paper reflects the student\’s original thought, focused on a central point or idea. • The writing reflects an understanding of key concepts, and a high level of synthesis and critical thinking. • The argument is coherent; and each point is well-developed and balanced. Project 1 counts as 15% of your overall grade.