Approved Micro Perspectives & Theories
Broad Perspectives:
Systems Perspective
Social Constructionist Perspective
Psychodynamic Perspective
Social Behavioral Perspective
Humanistic Perspective
Developmental Perspective
Theories of Cognition:
Cognitive Theory of Development
Information Processing Theory
Social Learning Theory
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Theories of Moral Reasoning
Theories of Emotion:
Psychoanalytic theory
Ego Psychology
Attribution Theory
Theory of Emotional Intelligence
Psychosocial Theories/Theories of Relationships:
Relational Theory
Feminist Theory
Afrocentric Relational Theory
Social Identity Theory
Transpersonal Theories of Human Development:
Fowler’s Stages of Faith Development
Wilber’s Integral Theory of Consciousness
Family Functioning Theories/Models:
Family Systems Model
Family Life Cycle Perspective
Family Stress and Coping Perspective
Family Resilience Perspective
Theories of Group Process:
Psychodynamic Theory
Symbolic Interaction Theory
Status Characteristics and Expectation States Theory
Exchange Theory
Approved Macro Perspectives & Theories
Broad Perspectives:
Conflict Perspective
Exchange and Choice Perspective
Theories on the Physical Environment and Human Behavior:
Stimulation Theories
Control Theories
Behavior Settings Theories
Theories about Social Inequality:
Marxist Theory
Structuration Theory
Theories on Formal Organizations:
Rational Perspective
Systems Perspective
Interpretive Perspective
Critical Perspective
Theoretical Approaches to Community:
Contrasting Types Approach
Spatial Arrangement Approach
Social Systems Approach
Social Capital Approach
Conflict Approach
Theoretical Perspectives on Social Movements:
Political Opportunities Perspective
Mobilizing Structures Perspective
Cultural Framing Perspective
Assignment 2: Theories on Human Behavior
Select one micro perspective/theory AND one macro perspective/theory from the list on the syllabus. For each of the 2 perspectives/theories, create a summary by populating all of the categories below
Categories Description/Expectations Total Points Possible
Section 1: Micro Theory (Page Limit: 3 pages) 23
Name of theory Identify the theory you will be reviewing.
E.g.: Name of the theory/perspective: Theory of Multiple Intelligences 1
Overview & Basic Concepts Provide a brief overview of the theory and identify the main concepts. Provide definitions of concepts where applicable. This should be a short paragraph. 2
History/Major Theorists In a short paragraph, provide a brief history. This section should include: (1) what discipline did this theory originate in? (2) Is there a main originator? Who are the major contributors? Are there different theorists who introduced different concepts? If so, name them.
Again, this should be about one brief paragraph. 2
Comprehensiveness To what extent does the theory cover/address the different dimensions of the person and/or the environment – for e.g., biological, psychological, psychosocial, physical environment, and so forth. Does it address just one dimension or multiple? If multiple, identify the dimensions and explain the relationship. 3
Consistency with Social Work’s emphasis on diversity and social Justice Does the theory/perspective address diversity or social justice? For e.g., does the theory/perspective hold for all populations (irrespective of gender, ethnicity, race, geographical location) or are there differences across populations? Has the theory/perspective been applied to different populations
Similar with social justice – does the theory/perspective recognize the influence of systemic issues such as racism, sexism, oppression etc. 3
Testability and Evidence of empirical support To what extent can the perspective/ theory’s concepts and propositions be observed, corroborated, refuted? Has the theory been tested for different problems or populations? To what extent is there research supporting the perspective/theory? You can cite some empirical studies that have tested the applicability of this theory in different cases 3
Implications for assessment According to this perspective/theory, what is/are the most important aspect(s) of person/environment to be assessed? How will you use this theory to assess a client? So what are some of the questions you will try to find answers to – either through asking the client or direct observation 3
Implications for intervention/social work practice According to this perspective or theory, what is/are the most important points for intervention or practice? Are there any existing therapies or interventions that are based on the theory? Can you think of how to apply it in your practice 3
Implication for evaluation According to this perspective or theory, what is/are the most important aspect(s) of intervention or practice to evaluate, as evidence of “success”? In other words, how will you evaluate if your chosen intervention is working?) 3
Section 2: Macro Theory (Page Limit: 3 pages) 23
Same categories and scoring as above Same as for micro
Section 3: Application of Perspective/Theory (Page Limit: 2 pages. 1 page on how the micro theory applies & 1 page on how macro theory applies) 10
Micro theory/perspective application How does the micro theory/perspective that you selected from part 1 apply to the main character of the book?
You can talk about how the theory could explain the behaviors/actions of a main character in the book. Also, if the theory has applications to social work practice, discuss how the theory/perspective can inform your social work practice/interventions with the main character(s) 5
Macro theory/perspective application How does the macro theory/perspective that you selected from part 1 apply to a main character of the book?
You can talk about how the theory/perspective can explain particular issues faced by the characters, their behaviors, or your interventions. 5
Use of APA for in-text citations, references, grammar, headings and subheadings, paragraphs, font and font size 2
Note: You are expected to critically evaluate each theory for its comprehensiveness, consistency with social work principles, testability, and implications. Use your critical thinking to point out strengths and limitations of the theory/practice for each of these categories. Use external citations (beyond the textbook) wherever possible to illustrate your point. This is especially useful for your discussion on the empirical applicability of your chosen theories and their implications for social work practice. You are required to use a minimum of one outside reference for each theory.