Time Management
This assignment is about you. It is an assessment of your abilities and traits.
Every week you will complete a personal assessment–your own personal leadership framework.
This assignment will help you figure out what style of leadership you have been following and whether this style works for you.
Through this assignment, you will find the various approaches of leadership that complement each other. There is no one theory that describes the only way to be an effective leader. Each theory focuses on different issues, but they all help you to better understand how to become a successful leader.
Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research about Time Management Assessment.
Note: You can also use the following link to access the Time Management Assessment: http://literacynet.org/icans/chapter03/timemgmt.html
Based on your research and understanding, create a paper in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document that:
•Incorporates your time management self-assessment information and the concepts learned this week (leadership theories, leadership versus management, professional nursing organizations, and time management).
•Includes identification of one leadership theory, which you feel best describes your leadership style.
•Includes a comparison between leadership and management.
•Includes a suggestion on how to apply this week’s concepts to the work environment.
Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format.
Assignment 3 Grading Criteria
1. Incorporated time management self-assessment information and the concepts learned this week.
2. Included identification of one leadership theory, which you feel best describes your leadership style.
3. Included a comparison between leadership and management.
4. Included a suggestion on how to apply this week’s concepts to the work environment.
5. Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary.
6. Cited all sources using APA format.