PAPERS: The papers will be a moral evaluation of cases. It should be short, about 5 pages, double
spaced, APA or MLA format acceptable. DeGeorge IS YOUR PRIMARY SOURCE!
It is imperative that you CITE. This is the most important aspect of writing a paper. If you
paraphrase from a book or journal article, you need to give me the citation from where you found the
idea. If you quote, once again I need a citation. Similarly if you are simply alluding to a particular
idea, I need a citation.
I need a Bibliography at the end of the paper. Please use Internet resources as a last resource, and not
as a main source of information. The main sources of information should be a) your book, b) books or
journal articles related to the topic at hand, c) newspaper or magazine articles, and d) as a last resort,
internet resources. I do not want a paper to use primarily and only Internet resources. If the paper
only uses Internet resources, it will lead to a decrease in grade (i.e. B as the highest grade).
1) The paper ought to begin first with explaining the case at hand:
a) It has to establish what is being asked of the agent to do
b) Who is affected?
c) What is the problem?
d) In what ways is this morally problematic?
e) What are possible future consequences of not doing the right act?
2) The paper ought to then provide a brief explanation of each of the three major theories we have
looked at and how each attempts to guide one’s moral actions:
a) Utilitarianism and the Principle of Utility
b) Deontology and the Universalizability Principle, or the Dignity of Persons Principle, or the
Kingdom of Ends Principle (pick one principle and explain instead of explaining all three)
c) Virtue and the right formation of Character
Make sure that you attend at least but not limited to the following concepts in explaining Section 2
(these are examples of terms you should DEFINE and EXPLAIN):
a) Utility
b) Justice
c) Consequences
d) Rationality/Universalizibility/Kingdom of Ends/
a. Non-contradiction
b. Consistency
c. Coherency
e) Reasonableness/Dignity of Persons
f) Rights/duties/Perfect/Imperfect/Positive/Negative
g) Justice
h) Moral and Intellectual Virtues
i) Character
j) Moral Intuitions
3) Finally: What do you think is the right act? What ought the agent do in this case?
a) You can pick from any of the theories above or borrow parts from all, or simply use the
theory you think provides the best answer.
b) Be sure to tell me specifically why you think this is the morally permissible outcome and
what you think the consequences will be to having picked that act as the right act.