The Case of Amber


Amber is a 35-year-old woman who immigrated to this country several years ago from Nigeria. She recently graduated from a prestigious law school and legally changed her name to Amber from her more ethic birth name. She was hired by an affluent law practice. Although Amber is involved with her local Nigerian community, she has recently discarded her cultural wardrobe for an expensive American wardrobe, dyed her hair blonde, and purchased a BMW. Despite these changes designed to make her fit in in her new environment, Amber feels like an outsider, stating, “They do not understand me; I feel so alone. While I have made friends with my law associates, I often feel excluded. I wish people would accept me for who I am.”


Using what you learned from the studies, identify the major identity conflicts and challenges for Amber. What can she or her employer do to address her feelings of exclusion?


Discussion 2


Cultural Challenges


Differences in cultures can create challenges in understanding another’s point of view. It might help us be more tolerant if we have explored our own families of origin to consider the challenges others have experienced. Discuss the following:

  • Is there any history of oppression in your culture?
  • Which aspects of your culture give you the greatest pride and the worst shame?
  • How have members of your culture been stereotyped?
  • Have you ever projected these types of stereotypes on cultures other than your own?
