Throughout this class you have examined the tools and pedagogies of online learning. The MOOC classroom, by virtue of the sheer number of students, employs some of these strategies, but also utilizes “the wisdom of the crowd” as an instructional tool.
Examine the following readings:
- The Pedagogy of MOOCS
- Steps to Success in a MOOC
- Rethinking College: MOOCS & Online Education
Next watch the following archived webinars:
- Curatr: Guest Presenter (54 min)
- Ben Betts shares some data and research about MOOCs and demonstrates a MOOC, including strategies for teaching.
- Canvas: Guest Presenter (47 min)
- Carrie Saarinen discusses reasons to teach a MOOC and then demonstrates a MOOC.
In the your post, please address the following:
- When thinking about a MOOC compared to a traditional online course, how must online instructional strategies change in order to support participant interaction, discussion and group work? What are tools and strategies that support assessment in MOOCs? How would you assess higher order thinking skills (skills and knowledge that can’t be measured with a test or quiz)?
- What would be your reasons for joining or not joining a MOOC? Would you prefer to join an xMOOC or a cMOOC? After responding to the initial prompts, respond to two colleagues who have reasons different than your own for participating in a MOOC.