Existence of the death penalty

It is going to be a paper of the argument overview. Please develop an overview paper on this argument about whether the existence of Death Penalty should be a good solution toward the crime or not.

You need to read and cite about 4 to 5 sources for the overview. Just list them at the end; you do not need to cite in text for the overview assignment. Include the following information:

WHAT is the argument about? What are some of the different sides/views within this argument? WHO is arguing about this (what groups or people)? WHEN did people begin arguing about this issue? Is this a current debate or an old debate with a new twist? WHY are people arguing about this? What PROBLEM (S) are people trying to solve? WHAT’S AT STAKE? What do people hope to gain by “winning” the argument? What do people feel they or others have to lose if they do not “win”? What resources, values and emotions are part of this debate?