research ethics

The following assignments are not essays. Each prompt should be answered breifley, but thoroughly (1 page max., 1 paragraph min.) using the websites listed below (you may have to google titles).  Please cite work. 

The Prompt #1


Following formal guidelines for conducting research is of utmost importance in the field of sociology.

Respond to the following question in the discussion forum for this module.

The American Sociological Association has established formal guidelines for conducting research. Why is it important for sociologists to follow formal guidelines? Give examples of situations in which sociological research had been conducted under what some may consider unethical circumstances.


Go to the American Sociological Association web site for additional information on research ethics.

The Prompt #2


Understanding culture is essential for effectively examining how people and society operate and interact with one another.

Respond to the following question in the discussion forum for this module.

Beauty is an important value (whether we like it or not) in our society today. Why do you think some Americans obsess so much about attractiveness? To what lengths will some Americans go to either become or stay beautiful? What do you think about some Americans’ preoccupation with beauty?


Go to The Beauty Myth for interesting information on female beauty.

The Prompt#3


The nature versus nurture debate regarding human development has been and continues to be a hot topic in the field of sociology.

Respond to the following question in the discussion forum for this module.

There is a lot of discussion about what makes us “human.”  There are some who argue that biology plays the biggest factor in shaping us into becoming social beings.  Others argue that social environment plays the central role in shaping our identities, thinking, and behavior.  Still, others think there is an interplay between biology and nurturing that gives us our social identities.  Which of the three explanations do you subscribe to and why?  Be detailed in your response.


Go to Nature vs. Nurture: How Much Free Will Do We Really Have? for additional information on research ethics.

Prompt #4


Groups are the essence of life in society.  This assignment will ask you to examine the role of groups in your own life. 

Respond to the following question in the discussion forum for this module.

Indicate why groups are so vital to society and to your own life.  Provide at least two specific examples of the roles groups play in your life.  How would your life change without these groups?


Your textbook, lecture notes, and your own experiences will provide the information necessary to answer the question. see below.

Lecture notes 

Groups are the essence of life in society. An essential feature of a group is that its members have something in common and that they believe what they have in common makes a difference. By standing between the individual and the larger society, groups help to prevent a state of normlessness (anomie). Society is the largest and most complex group that sociologists study.


Five types of societies have existed:

  1. Hunting and gathering
  2. Pastoral and horticultural
  3. Agricultural
  4. Industrial
  5. Postindustrial

Each type of society is characterized by a distinctive level and pattern of social inequality. The shift from one type of society to the next is accompanied by a social revolution linked to new technology; this transformation has continued into the current postindustrial society, which is based on information, services, and technology.

The following types of groups exist within a society: primary groups, secondary groups, in-groups and out-groups, reference groups, and social networks. Changed technology has given birth to a new type of group–the electronic community.

Group dynamics concerns the ways in which individuals affect groups and the ways in which groups affect individuals. Group size is a significant aspect of group dynamics. Leaders can either be instrumental (task oriented) or expressive (socioemotional); both are essential for the functioning of the group. The three main leadership styles are: authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire.


Post your opening response to the question early in the assignment period so that others have time to respond to you.

A thoughtful opening response will consider various ethical research situations in which guidelines may prevent harm to participants in sociological research.

For above average scores, you must provide specific details from the readings to support your ideas.

please cite the given web page..

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