Blending and Optimizing

This case study assignment provides you with the opportunity to review a course description and prepare a plan for delivering that course in a blended learning environment.

Perform the following tasks:

Step 1: Review this week’s material.

Step 2: Select a course.

Think about a course you would like to deliver in a blended learning environment. Select one of the following options:

  • An elementary school course of your choice
  • A high school course of your choice
  • A college level course of your choice
  • A corporate or government training course of your choice

Consider what type of course you would like to teach, and how you would blend methodologies, materials, and delivery techniques to deliver your course. Identify potential resources that are available to teach this course and that you would use in the creation of a delivery plan.

Step 3: Prepare a delivery plan.

Prepare a plan to deliver your course in a blended learning environment. Include the following in your plan:

  • Course name and description
  • Length of course in weeks
  • Specific student grade level, if appropriate
  • Course materials to be used
  • Technologies to be used
  • Teaching methodologies
  • Preferred communication tools
  • Plans for student interaction
  • Sample assignment descriptions

The information provided should be in the form of brief descriptions. Include examples and personal experiences where applicable. Use a minimum of 3 scholarly resources. Be sure to properly cite any resources used using APA formatting.