Ben and Jerry’s SWOT

Identify a company to utilize for this presentation. Ideally this

company should be the one for which you either previously or currently work. If

that is not possible or desirable on your end, you may select any organization

for which you can get the relevant data.


Section One: Utilizing your company case study, identify and

discuss the following features:◾Company Mission Statement (summarize if you

have to; don’t present more than one or two sentences quoting the mission, then

go on to discuss the impact of such a mission statement)◾Company Stakeholders◾External



Section Two: Utilizing a SWOT

Analysis, identify the following features for your organization:◾Strengths◾Weaknesses◾Opportunities◾Threats

Section Three: Utilizing your text resources and personal history, identify and

name one solid strategic management recommendation you have for this company.

Be sure to state “why” and give examples of what led you to these assumptions.

Finally, make sure that you are writing in solid essay form, utilizing APA

style in-text citations and Reference page entries for a minimum of three

source references.