How did composers like Schubert, the Schumanns, Chopin, Berlioz, Wagner, Verdi, or any of the Modern composers write music that was different than or similar to Beethoven’s musical style?

  1. How did composers like Schubert, the Schumanns, Chopin, Berlioz, Wagner, Verdi, or any of the Modern composers write music that was different than or similar to Beethoven’s musical style? You only need to choose two or three composers who you found the most interesting to compare and contrast with Beethoven’s musical style. Make this a thought provoking exercise and an enjoyable academic experience. Look over the syllabus, listen to the music examples on the CD set, review the readings and quizzes taken after the midterm, and re-read the D2L discussion to help construct your final essay. Finally, check any comments left for you in the Grades section of our Course. Above all, be creative.