P&Q Parts I & II

PART I –Develop a project charter. — 

Obtain faculty approval of the topic for project.

Write a  800 word paper featuring the following elements:

  • Narrative project description
  • Problem and result statement
  • Mission justification
  • Project scope statement
  • Major deliverables
  • High-level milestones for significant events
  • Applicable technical requirements, assumptions, or constraints

Incorporate your facilitator’s feedback into the charter and include the revised version in your final project.



PART ii  – QUESTIOns  85 words per answer—-

1.-Best practices of defining the project scope

2.-Importance of WBS in a project

3.-Importance of responsibility matrix

4.-Best practices to develop the best communication plan

5.-Best practices to manage project lifecycle.

6.- Describe the relationship of the project sponsor and manager during the project management lifecycle.

7.-Recommendations to develop a project charter.

8- What are the most challenging steps in project management