what factors will effect the quality of education?

The topic of informative essay is what factors will effect the quality of eduacation?


the core reading is SHERMAN ALEXIE



·  Brief rationale for research project, including one or more related research questions.

·  At least 7 relevant, up-to-date, and credible sources, representing different perspectives, responses, and/or information relevant to the research question(s)

·  At least 1 of the CORE READINGS from the Core Readings folder

·  At least 5 sources from the Ivy Tech Library subscription databases

·  A 7th source, which may be 1 additional database source; 1 additional CORE READING from your section’s Core Readings folder; OR a reputable source of some other type (open Web source, video, podcast, personal interview, etc.).

·  Citations in correct APA or MLA style (as assigned by your instructor), arranged alphabetically by author’s last name

·  Double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font, using hanging indents

·  Annotations should include discussion of all five points for each source (Writer, Publication, Summary, Stance, and Use), each part clearly marked for clarity

·  Each annotation should be 1-2 paragraphs, 5-10 sentences long


Criteria Description Points
Rationale and research questions Effective introductory rationale and research question(s) 6
Number, quality, and type of sources 7 sources are relevant to the research question(s) and up-to-date. Sources demonstrate a variety of perspectives and source types.  At least 1 source is one of the CORE READINGS. At least 5 sources are from the Ivy Tech Library subscription databases. All sources are online sources. 6
Source 1 Source 1 contains an accurate MLA/APA citation and information on the writer(s), publication, summary, stance, and use of the source. 4
Source 2 Source 2 contains an accurate MLA/APA citation and information on the writer(s), publication, summary, stance, and use of the source. 4
Source 3 Source 3 contains an accurate MLA/APA citation and information on the writer(s), publication, summary, stance, and use of the source. 4
Source 4 Source 4 contains an accurate MLA/APA citation and information on the writer(s), publication, summary, stance, and use of the source. 4
Source 5 Source 5 contains an accurate MLA/APA citation and information on the writer(s), publication, summary, stance, and use of the source. 4
Source 6 Source 6 contains an accurate MLA/APA citation and information on the writer(s), publication, summary, stance, and use of the source. 4
Source 7 Source 7 contains an accurate MLA/APA citation and information on the writer(s), publication, summary, stance, and use of the source. 4

NOTE: The Annotated Bibliography may be returned ungraded (or with a grade of zero) if the topic does not relate to this section’s themes and core readings or if any part of the rationale or annotations is plagiarized.

40 points