Topics: Wealth Gap

1200 word limit essay, 2-4 photos and should occupy the main story on the first page. The story should continue inside as well with a different headline and photos.


Wealth Gap

the growing gap between the super rich and poor people in china. Where do the lives of these people intersect? Is it possible to grow up in China and have no idea how the very poor live? Does the level of poverty in rural areas justify the massive wealth of the urban areas?

The NSA scandal in the US

What are the implications for China and the world when the US spies on friends and foes alike? Does this give other countries the right to do the same? What are the reason’s behind this ? Are the reasons justified? What is China’s veiw on “terroism”?

Propaganda Posters

Recently there have been a lot propaganda posters all over China. In Zhuhai they can be seen in many commercial areas and even at the border crossing. Examing the posters. What are they reflection of? Do people care about them? Do people believe what the psters reflect?


1. Please look at the topics and the questions. I will be looking for answers to those questions along with critical discussion of the main issues.

2. Make sure you lead and nutgraff are well written.

3. There must no be any grammer errors. Please visit the writing center at least two times to get it checked

4. All articles will be vetted through turnitin plagiarism software. Any article found with un attributed content will receive an automatic 0.