1. Write your own original piece following the style of one piece we read. You could craft your own religious allegory using the American church or rewrite the General Prologue in Modern English.  Possibly you would like to write your own Soldier’s Tale or Mother’s Tale.  Creativity is key here.

2. Recast one of the works in another form.  For example, turn the “Miller’s Tale” into a script for a popular sitcom (using those sitcom characters as stand-ins for Chaucer’s characters), or rewrite one of the pieces we’ve read as a play. Be creative–just be sure to submit ideas for approval before WEDNESDAY of week seven, so that we have a chance to discuss it.

3. Select any piece we’ve read and modernize it for a new generation.

Note that this assignment should include an author’s note at the beginning to explain what the project actually is. Also, all MLA rules should be followed to include quoting when appropriate with in-text citations and a works cited section.